Art: Characters Lined!

Well hello all! Cheddar reporting with some art! 

I have actually gotten quite sick, and haven't been able to get much art done after our initial push--that's why I haven't shared much lately. But I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. Even small steps forward are steps forward, right? My only worry is that we may not have something ready in time to submit to Otome Jam, but Cider wants to aim for at least a demo. 

I have finished inking all the portraits for Marshall and Ivy, the protagonists. You may have noticed that Ivy's main outfit has changed quite a bit--I realized that her original design was still leaning a little too Victorian and not quite Edwardian to my liking. It really showed when she stood next to other characters, so I went back in and made some small changes which I'm now VERY pleased with! The next things to do are Ivy's family members, and the large cast of characters that you meet at the fair. Cider says the UI is pretty much ready to go, so once the character art is done, we can in theory start actually building the game! That's all from meee! I hope I can make a lot more once I'm feeling better. Thanks for following!

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