Art: Marshall's Sketches

(Cider: This devlog is ported over from our original gam jam forum post)

Hi Hi it's Cheddar! I have just finished Marshall's character sketches, the main love interest of our story!

As always, I am using Edwardian fashion to influence Marshall's coat and hat. Edwardian hats were a little more short, which thankfully made them a little easer for me to draw, and the silhouettes for men were nice and elongated. The Edwardian period has the best pointy collars in all of history, in my opinion; obviously I put Marshall in some that peek through his scarf. I pulled Marshall's duster design with the flaps from "Edwardian Costumes" by Tom Tierney, a book I found at a thrift store! Really cute illustrations in this one.

I based Marshall's facial features from this young man I saw in the "Historic Hotties" tumblr. Have you guys seen that tumblr? It's so fun to just scroll through. Lots of GREAT inspiration, too! We don't know the person in the photograph's name. Something about that makes me kind of sad...he is only remembered by those wide, down-sloping eyes, the small blunted nose, and that CRAZY hairdo! (I gave Marshall one with a more contemporary anime style) I'm honestly regretting dressing Marshall in a hat because I like his hair so much; but he does take it off in later scenes.

That's all for today! Cheddar signing out! Please give us a follow on if you want to hear updates about our game after the jam ends!

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